有機貓專用洗毛精 Organic Kitty Shampoo

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純淨無污染冰河水、有機薰衣草萃取、有機迷迭香、有機馬尾草、有機鼠尾草、有機蕁麻、有機人參、有機金盞花、有機白茶花、有機橄欖油、天然泡沫來自於馬鈴薯及椰子油、可可脂、有機植物甘油、有機大麻籽油、關華豆膠、燕 麥蛋白、橄欖葉、沙棘&藍莓萃取、加拿大自然野生紅花苜蓿。

  • 有機成份不含人工合成、任何化學物質及殺蟲劑。

  • 不添加Parabens (對羥基苯甲酸鹽)

  • 不添加Sulfates (硫酸鹽)

  • 不添加Mineral Oil (礦物油)

  • 不添加Propylene Glycol (丙二醇)

  • 不添加Diazolidinyl Urea (尿素醛)

  • 不添加EDTA (乙二胺四乙酸)

  • 不添加TEA, DEA, MEA

  • 不添加Sythetic Fragrances (人工香精)

Feeding Requirements  



先用水將貓咪毛髮淋濕,取出適量洗毛精以按摩的方式搓揉貓咪全身 毛髮5-10分鐘,再用溫水將泡沫沖洗乾淨即可。

Additional Details  


  • 本產品請放置於兒童取不到之處以免誤食。

  • 請勿直接接觸眼睛與黏膜組織。

  • 請勿放置日光直射高溫及火爐旁,請存放陰涼處30度C以下避免變質。

  • 寵物有過敏現象請立即停止使用,如有異常請立刻諮詢您的寵物醫師。

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Reasons for Choosing


Treat your pet with the quality nutrition that nature can provide. CRIUS snacks come from the original farmland in New Zealand.


It is all natural and highly digestible. You can feel good about what you give your pet. Knowing your pet's health and well-being will help you use CRIUS better.


Treat your pet with the best nutrition that nature can provide. CRIUS snacks% come from the original farmland in New Zealand.


  • How long is the shelf life of your snacks and how should I store them


    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

  • Why do the colors, flavors and sizes of various pet foods vary from batch to batch?


    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

  • Why does CRIUS use air dried meat, but I can't see many meat?


    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

  • How do I know how much food to feed my pet?


    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

  • How long is the shelf life of your snacks and how should I store them? How to keep cans after opening?


    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

    The tripe is made of New Zealand natural sheep. It does not contain any additives, hormones, artificial colors, preservatives, and is low temperature drying process. It is anti allergic and suitable for training pets.

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